Karan Singh

A legal writing enthusiast, a wanderer, and a zealous reader. After gaining a lot of knowledge about the diverse legal topics and developing research skills, Karan joined the league of legal content writers to deliver quality-rich blogs.

All You Need to Know About Takedown Services for Copyright Protection

Copyright is an exclusive right granted to the author or creator of any dramatic, literary, creative, or musical work. It also gives the owner or creator the ability to reproduce the safeguarded work, disclose it to the public, alter it and translate it into any other form. Recently, it was discovered that various internet platforms […]

What is the Process of Trademark Transfer? – An Overview

Trademark is a form of IP (Intellectual Property), the same as the physical property like land and just like a landowner has the right to sell or transfer their property or land, in a similar manner, the Trademark owner also has the right to sell or transfer a Trademark. Every Trademark owner who wants to […]

What are the Different Types of Pharmaceutical Patents?

Nowadays, there is a rapid growth in innovation that needs hard work to bring a drug or a Pharmaceutical compound to the market. Since the money and effort invested in this process are extraordinarily high, it is vital to protect new inventive products in this sector through Patents. Patents allow companies or innovators to avail […]

How to Safeguard Your IP Asset as a Freelancer? – An Overview

In this ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the work from home culture has rapidly grown, and now almost every company adopt this method to work remotely, and the freelancing business, which is highly related to the gig economy, has also grown in this pandemic. Some guesses predict that gig employers represent 35% of the United States workforce […]

Plea Filed Against Covid Drug Patent

An Indian Government organisation and a rights group of Patents have separately opposed an application of Patents in India by the US Company “Merck” for Molnupiravir; it’s the first oral antiviral agent shown to reduce by 50% Covid death or hospitalisation. Scroll down to check more information of this case regarding plea filed against Covid […]

Nikola Files $2 Billion Patent Lawsuit Against Tesla

Earlier this month, a Federal Judge shelved the case after the two companies stopped answering the court’s orders. However, on 19th October 2021 (Tuesday), Judge James Donato said that the case against Tesla will still remain “Administratively Closed” but won’t be refused. Scroll down to check more information regarding Nikola’s Patent Lawsuit against Tesla. Nikola’s […]

How to Protect Your IP in a Gig Economy?

Working distantly, the gig economy and contract work is rapidly increasing. Companies from various business sectors are all filling in labour gaps with gig workers, and many of them carry out their duties distantly. While this is suitable for both the contractor & the company, it leads to many business risks. One of the primary […]

Is Directed Patent Prosecution Necessary for Legal Counsels?

Various companies or businesses around the world amend & rethink their Intellectual Property (IP) strategies. They are looking for opportunities to ideally use their IP assets and lessen their liabilities for business growth. Among such Ip assets, Patents are the most valuable. Actually, businesses or companies must have a high-value Patent Portfolio to create their […]

Protecting IPR Against Unfair Trade Practices

The significance or importance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) was first discussed in the Paris Convention in 1883 and the Berne Convention in 1886 for the protection of Industrial Property and Literary & Artistic Work, respectively. Now, India is an important member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and hence, a party to its TRIPS […]

What are the Common Mistakes While Filing Patents?

For a tech-based company or business, if you want to protect and commercialise the invention, then filing applications for Patent Registration is a vital step. But, in the course of a long and expensive filing process, it is easy to make mistakes while filing Patents, especially if you don’t have any experience managing a Patent […]

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