BIS Certification for Amplifier – A Detailed Analysis

BIS Certification for Amplifier - A Detailed Analysis
Karan Singh
| Updated: Oct 18, 2022 | Category: BIS

An Amplifier is an electronic product or device that increases the current, voltage, or signal’s power. This device is mainly used in wireless communications & broadcasting and audio equipment. The amplifier boosts the electric current & converts small sounds into loud ones, and this device is the best device for all music lovers around the world. In 2013, BIS or the Bureau of Indian Standards added many products under the CRS or Compulsory Registration Scheme and amplifiers were one of them. The Government of India has mandated amplifiers to get BIS registered under Scheme II of Schedule II and assures that the product is safe and of good quality. Any manufacturer wanting to manufacture an amplifier must obtain BIS Certification for Amplifier. Without this, no manufacturer can trade or sell its products in India. In this blog, we will discuss the BIS Certification for Amplifier.

Benefits of BIS Certification for Amplifier

Following are some essential benefits of BIS Certification for Amplifier:

  1. Ensures quality standards as BIS-certified products are bound to follow a certain standard while manufacturing the products;
  2. BIS-registered products minimise environmental risk as the Bureau of Indian Standards has prohibited the usage of certain chemicals & materials under its norms;
  3. BIS Certification is issued after testing the products’ samples in BIS-established labs, ensuring quality inspection & high quality of products;
  4. Gives authenticity to BIS-registered products or items as they deliver high-quality performance & reliability.

Some Important Factors Regarding BIS Certification for Amplifier

Following are some vital factors concerning BIS Certification for Amplifier:

  1. Manufacturer: The BIS Certification is only issued to the applied product’s manufacturer. The trader, retailer, importer, etc., are not eligible for the BIS License. However, if the manufacturer does not have their liasioning office in India, they can act as their Representative in India. But, the BIS License is granted in the manufacturer’s name only.
  2. Category of the Product: In case a manufacturer manufactures more than one product, they have to apply a separate license application for each product category.
  3. Manufacturing Address: The BIS License or Certificate is issued to the products’ manufacturer for a particular manufacturing site address. If the manufacturing address changes, a new BIS License is to be applied. Or, if the manufacturer has one or more than one manufacturing unit for the manufacturing of the same device or product, then separate Licenses are applied with BIS.
  4. Brand/Trademark: A manufacturer who is manufacturing the same product for more than one brand, then the manufacturer has to apply for a separate License with BIS.

Labelling & Marking Requirements for BIS CRS Certification

  1. The measurements of the Standard Mark shall be as specified in Annexure-II, annexed to this Scheme;
  2. The Standard Mark shall carry the License no. & reference to the Indian Standard in a visible manner & shall be as specified in the License;
  3. The marking details shall include a reference to the BIS website so that customer may verify the authenticity of the standard marked product;
  4. If required by the BIS, in addition to the Standard Mark, the License owner shall mark either on the product/the package the words “self-declaration of conformity to” followed by relevant IS no.;
  5. For any particular product, additional labelling & marking requirements may be specified by the BIS to which the License owner shall comply with;
  6. The colour scheme of the Mark shall be in accordance with Annexure-II, annexed to CRS Scheme;
  7. The details of the product, as per the requirement of the IS, which may comprise variety, lot/batch number, date/week of manufacturing, model number, date/week of manufacturing complete address of the manufacturer, shall be marked on either the product or the packaging or contained in a label attached to the product.

Documents Required for BIS Certification for Amplifier

Following are some vital documents required for BIS Certification for Amplifier:

  1. Business License of the manufacturing unit;
  2. ISO Certificate of the Manufacturer;
  3. Trademark Registration Certificate;
  4. Duly filled testing documents (CDF and CCL);
  5. Technical specification sheet/product manual of the applied device;
  6. Scope of the Business License;
  7. Authorisation letter (in case the signatory person is other than the head of the manufacturing facility);
  8. In case the brand is not owned by the manufacturer, then Trademark Authorisation Letter is required;
  9. Nomination Letter of AIR;
  10. Marking label or details of marking on the product.

Process of BIS Certification for Amplifier

The procedure for BIS Certification for Amplifiers also varies on the geographic location of the manufacturing unit; the process of BIS Registration for Domestic (Indian) is different from the process for Foreign Manufacturers.

  • Process for Domestic Manufacturer (Indian):
  • First, the manufacturer needs to file an application form and submit it to the BIS along with the documents and prescribed fees.
  • After that, you need to test the product’s sample from a BIS-Certified lab
  • After testing the samples, the manufacturer needs to submit the sample test report along with the application.
  • Then the BIS Officials verify the test reports and the application.
  • Once they are satisfied with the application, documents, and test reports, they will issue the BIS Certification.
  • Process for Foreign Manufacturer:
  • First, the manufacturer (Foreign) needs to nominate an Indian Representative who can represent him.
  • Then, he or she will file the application form and arrange all the vital documents required for BIS Certification for Amplifier.
  • Then, you need to set the sample tested from BIS approved laboratory.
  • After that, submit the application form, including the sample test report.
  • Then, the BIS Officials verify the application & test reports.
  • Once they are satisfied with the application, documents, and sample test reports, then they will issue a BIS License.

Important Points Regarding the Nomination for Authorised Indian Representative (AIR)

It is compulsory for Foreign Manufacturers to nominate AIR or an Authorised Indian Representative for their operation in India to obtain BIS License. If they don’t have a branch office in India. An Authorised Indian Representative as a Local Representative is responsible for submitting & manage the application for certification & is available to answer all the questions. Following are some important points to be followed by the Foreign Manufacturer to appoint the AIR:

  1. If the product manufacturer doesn’t have an office in India & there is no registered user of the brand/Trademark appearing on the product or article located in India, then the other entity will become the Authorised Indian Representative (AIR);[1]
  2. If the Foreign Manufacturer has a branch or a liaison office in India, then they will be designated as AIR;
  3. If the Foreign Manufacturer doesn’t have an office or a branch office in India, but the registered user/proprietor of the brand appearing in the article is located in India, the brand owner will become AIR.

Important Points Need to be Considered to Obtain BIS Certification in India

  1. All the vital documents must be signed by the brand owner, Indian Representative, and manufacturer and additional documents should be notarised & stamped by the Brand owner& the Indian Representative.
  2. In CDF (Construction Data Form), product details shall be filled correctly & in CCL (Critical), product components information should be filed properly.
  3. All the crucial documents shall be ready before the sample’s testing.
  4. Select the BIS-certified testing organisation & an experienced compliance partner until you have an office and/or the expertise in India that can help you.
  5. Before the samples’ shipment, ensure complete arrangements have been made for the entire shipment from your location to the testing lab’s door.
  6. Another vital point you should consider while choosing a lab for product testing is that the License of the lab should be correct, valid & not suspended & at that time, the lab shall not be in the middle of/about to get audited.
  7. The test report of the product’s sample is valid for 3 months; before its expiry test report should be submitted to BIS. If you are not able to submit the test report to BIS, you have to submit the new sample of the product again for testing.


The BIS has required Amplifiers to be registered as per IS 616:2017 under the CRS (Compulsory Registration Scheme) from BIS under the Gazette of India. Hence, the seller and the manufacturer of Amplifiers are required to apply for BIS Certification for Amplifiers under CRS Scheme.

Read our Article:BIS Certification for UPS – How to Obtain?

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Karan Singh

A legal writing enthusiast, a wanderer, and a zealous reader. After gaining a lot of knowledge about the diverse legal topics and developing research skills, Karan joined the league of legal content writers to deliver quality-rich blogs.


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