BIS ISI Certification for Steel Products

Steel Products
Shivam Narwal
| Updated: Mar 15, 2023 | Category: ISI Certification

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is a national standard-setting body in India that was established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act of 1986[1]. BIS is responsible for formulating and promoting the adoption of standards for goods, services, and systems in various industries, including steel.
BIS has developed a certification scheme known as the Indian Standard Institution (ISI) mark for various steel products. The ISI mark certifies that the product complies with the relevant Indian standard specifications for that product. In this blog post, we will discuss the BIS ISI for steel products in India, including the types of steel products covered, the certification process, and the benefits of obtaining the ISI mark.

Types of steel products covered under BIS ISI

BIS has developed standards for various types of steel products used in construction and manufacturing industries. Some of the steel products covered under the ISI mark scheme include:

  1. Steel bars and wires
  2. Steel plates
  3. Steel pipes and tubes
  4. Steel sheets and strips
  5. Steel castings and forgings
  6. Steel valves and fittings
  7. Steel structural sections

Certification process for BIS ISI

The certification process for obtaining the ISI mark for steel products involves the following steps:

  1. Application: The manufacturer or importer of the steel product must submit an application to BIS for obtaining the ISI mark.
  2. Testing: BIS conducts testing of the product to ensure that it complies with the relevant Indian standard specifications for that product.
  3. Factory inspection: BIS inspectors visit the manufacturing facility to ensure that the product is manufactured in accordance with the relevant standards.
  4. Grant of license: After successful completion of testing and factory inspection, BIS grants the license to use the ISI mark to the manufacturer or importer.
  5. Surveillance: BIS conducts periodic surveillance visits to ensure that the product continues to meet the relevant standards.

Benefits of obtaining the ISI mark

There are several benefits of obtaining the ISI mark for steel products, including:

  1. Quality assurance: The ISI mark certifies that the product meets the relevant Indian standard specifications for that product, ensuring quality and reliability.
  2. Consumer confidence: The ISI mark is widely recognized and trusted by consumers in India, increasing their confidence in the product.
  3. Market access: Many government and private sector projects in India require the use of products with the ISI mark, providing market access to manufacturers and importers with the certification.
  4. International recognition: The ISI mark is recognized internationally as a mark of quality for steel products manufactured in India.
  5. Cost savings: By complying with the relevant Indian standards, manufacturers can avoid costly rejections and returns of non-compliant products.

Importance of BIS ISI for steel products in India

The use of quality steel products is essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of structures and machinery in various industries. In India, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has developed a certification scheme known as the Indian Standard Institution (ISI) mark to ensure that steel products comply with relevant quality standards.

The BIS ISI mark has become a crucial requirement for many government and private sector projects in India, and manufacturers and importers must obtain the certification to access these markets.

Advantages of BIS ISI for the Indian steel industry

The BIS ISI mark certification scheme has several benefits for the Indian steel industry, including:

  1. Improving product quality: The ISI mark certification scheme ensures that steel products manufactured in India meet the relevant quality standards, improving their quality and reliability.
  2. Enhancing competitiveness: The ISI mark is recognized as a mark of quality in India and internationally, giving certified products a competitive advantage in the market.
  3. Ensuring customer satisfaction: The ISI mark provides customers with the assurance that the product they are buying meets the relevant quality standards, increasing customer satisfaction.
  4. Promoting innovation: The ISI mark certification scheme encourages manufacturers to improve the quality of their products and innovate to meet the changing needs of customers and markets.
  5. Contributing to national development: The ISI mark certification scheme is an essential aspect of ensuring the safety and reliability of structures and machinery in various industries, contributing to the overall development of the nation.

Challenges faced by the BIS ISI mark certification scheme

While the BIS ISI mark certification scheme has several advantages, it also faces several challenges, including:

  1. Lack of awareness: Many manufacturers and consumers are not aware of the ISI mark certification scheme, limiting its effectiveness in ensuring product quality.
  2. Cost of certification: The cost of obtaining the ISI mark certification can be prohibitive for some manufacturers, limiting their ability to access the market.
  3. Counterfeiting: Some unscrupulous manufacturers and importers may use fake ISI marks to sell substandard products, undermining the credibility of the certification scheme.
  4. Lack of enforcement: The enforcement of the ISI mark certification scheme is weak, leading to the sale of uncertified products in the market.


The BIS ISI mark certification scheme for steel products in India is an essential aspect of ensuring product quality and safety in various industries. The scheme has several benefits, including quality assurance, consumer confidence, market access, international recognition, and cost savings. However, the scheme also faces several challenges, including lack of awareness, high certification costs, counterfeiting, and weak enforcement.

To overcome these challenges, it is crucial for BIS to increase awareness about the ISI mark certification scheme among manufacturers, consumers, and government agencies. This can be achieved through awareness campaigns, training programs, and workshops. BIS can also work with industry associations and chambers of commerce to promote the ISI mark certification scheme and provide incentives for manufacturers to obtain the certification.

In addition, BIS needs to strengthen the enforcement of the ISI mark certification scheme by imposing strict penalties on manufacturers and importers who use fake ISI marks or sell uncertified products. BIS can also collaborate with other government agencies, such as customs and excise, to prevent the import and sale of substandard steel products in the market.

Overall, the BIS ISI mark certification scheme is a vital aspect of ensuring product quality and safety in the Indian steel industry. By addressing the challenges faced by the scheme and promoting its benefits, BIS can contribute to the overall development of the nation and enhance the competitiveness of the Indian steel industry in the global market.

Also Read: Requirements for BIS ISI certification for Iron Products

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Shivam Narwal

Shivam Narwal, a motivated final year BBA LLB law student at Chandigarh University, has started his legal career at Swarit Advisors as a legal researcher. With a strong focus on thorough and accurate research, Shivam is dedicated to delivering exceptional results. Throughout his studies, he has shown a deep understanding of the legal system and a drive to excel in the field of Law. 


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