BIS Certification for Room heaters

BIS Certification for Room heaters
Ganesh Nair
| Updated: Sep 22, 2022 | Category: BIS, Other Services

Winter only lasts for a few months in most parts of India but it can get extremely chilly during these months. People prefer to have room heaters installed at their homes or workplaces. Despite their limited usage they still have huge demand in the Indian sector. The BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) has set regulations for room heaters. The manufacturers must adhere to these standards if they wish to sell their products in India.

What is BIS certification?

The Bureau of Indian standards or the BIS is the body authorised to set National standards for various products in the country. It was created in the year 1987 by an act of parliament. BIS grants a certificate to the product, which shall its guarantees safety, quality and reliability. Consumers prefer to use products that have a BIS certification. It is mandatory for the manufacturers to obtain this certificate if the products they plan to sell any products that fall under the list created by the BIS.

Indian standards for BIS Certification for Room heaters Product Indian Standard Regulation
1. Safety of household and similar electrical appliances-Room heaters IS 302 (Part 2/Sec 30) Electrical Wires, Cables, Appliances and Protection Devices and Accessories (Quality Control) Order, 2003

Types of Room heaters that require BIS Certification

  • Quartz heaters: These types of heaters are used in small rooms. It gets its name as the heating element of such a heater is inside a quartz tube.
  • Fan heaters:  These heaters heat up the room faster than any other heaters. However, they make a lot of noise because of their fan or blower.
  • Oil-filled room heaters: these heaters are efficient for heating big rooms. Oil is heated in the machine which spreads the heat in the room.
  • Radiant room heaters: They work on the basis of infrared rays, people who are allergic to dust prefer such kind of heaters.
  • PTC room heater: positive temperature coefficient heaters keeps the temperature of the room stable for a long period of time. They do not overheat at maintaining the temperature.

Documents required for BIS Certification for Room heaters

The documents required for BIS Certification for Room heaters:

  • Copy of the factory’s Address proof
  • Copy of the Trademark Registration
  • An organisational chart of the Factory
  • A list of Critical components
  • PCB Layout
  • Schematic Diagram
  • The user manual of the product
  • A detailed list of machinery installed
  • List of equipment at the factory premises
  • Documents related to the AIR (authorised Indian Representative)- required if the producer is in a foreign country
  • Test report of the product generated by the BIS-certified labs
  • Declaration made by the Chief executive officer of the brand
  • Details of the packaging
  • Letter of consent
  • Location map of the factory
  • Flowchart depicting the manufacturing process.

Process of obtaining BIS Certification for Room heaters

The following procedure must be followed to obtain BIS Certification for Room heaters:

Step 1: The applicant must select the appropriate code for the product. In the case of BIS Certification for Room heaters, the applicant must opt for Indian standard IS 302 (Part 2/Sec 30). The applicant must ensure that the product has attained the appropriate standards as per the BIS requirements.

Step 2: once the code is selected the applicant may proceed to apply for ISI Certification[1]. For this, the application needs to be filed in Form-V. The applicant must pay the requisite fee and at the same, pay a small fee for an audit to carry out further inspection. In case the applicant wants to register multiple products, then different applications need to be filed for each of those products.

Step 3: after the payment of the fees, an inspection fee headed by a BIS official shall visit the factory premises. The team shall carry out strict inspections of the product to ensure the quality is up to the mark. The BIS officials shall look into the manufacturing process as well. After the inspection, the BIS officials shall draw out random samples for testing.

Step 4: The applicant must send the product to BIS-registered labs. Once the results for the test is received the same must be submitted to the BIS office along with the complete application form and the documents.

Step 5: when the application is submitted and BIS officials have verified the test reports and documents. If everything is up to the mark, then BIS shall grant the applicant the BIS Certification for Room heaters. The grant of the certificate shall take about 30 days from the date of application.


Room heaters are essential household equipment. Various electric components are used for its functioning. Therefore, it is essential that the product is made out of quality materials. BIS ISI certification for Room heaters is a must as it ensures that the product has attained the required standards.

Read our Article:Clinical PerformRequirements for BIS ISI certification for Iron Products

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Ganesh Nair

Ganesh Nair completed his graduation in law from IP university. He is an ardent researcher who has written various research papers and articles on contemporary legal issues. His keen interest in the field of research made him pursue a career in legal research. His core area of interest include Cyber, IPR and Finance laws.


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