BIS ISI Certification for AC Manufacturer

BIS ISI certification for AC Manufacturer
Ganesh Nair
| Updated: Aug 26, 2022 | Category: BIS

India is a tropical country, which means that the temperature in the country mostly remains high. That’s why there is a massive demand for air conditioners in the Indian market. In the year 2023, this market is expected to grow by 9.7 million from the current 8.1 million. In order to operate in the Indian market, an AC manufacturer must obtain BIS certification.

What are the Benefits of Obtaining a BIS ISI Certification for AC Manufacturers?

There are numerous benefits of obtaining a BIS ISI Certification for AC Manufacturers, such as:

  • It allows the company to gain global recognition
  • It acts as a benchmark for a top-quality product
  • It instils the importance of quality management in the brand
  • It gives the brand a good reputation in the market
  • It ensures that the resources are utilised efficiently while manufacturing the product

What are the BIS ISI Certification standards for Air Conditioners? Component Indian standards
1. Finned type heat exchanger for room air conditioners IS 11329: 2018
2. Room air conditioners – split air conditioners IS 1391 (Part 2): 2018
3. Room air conditioners- unitary air conditioners IS 1391 (Part 1):2017
4. Ducted and packaged air conditioners IS 8148: 2018
5. Hermetic compressors IS 10617:2018
6. Temperature sensing control devices IS/IEC 60730 (part 2) Section 9:2011

Documents required for BIS ISI Certification for AC Manufacturers:

The following documents are required for BIS ISI certification standards for Air Conditioners.

  • Identity proof and address proof of the applicant
  • Address proof of the factory
  • Proof of creation of the establishment- I.e. the (Registration certificate, certificate of Incorporation and MOA)
  • Layout plan of the factory
  • Location plan of the factory from the nearest landmark
  • Flow chart showing the manufacturing process
  • MSME/ SSI certificate (if applicable)
  • Documents showing the details of the manufacturing process
  • A detailed list of the machinery at the factory
  • A detailed list of machinery being used
  • Calibration certificate of the testing equipment used.
  • The Lab report tests as per the Indian Standards (mandatory)
  • A letter of authorisation (The authorised signatory must carry this letter with proper authorisation from the CEO)
  • If the manufacturers are foreign entities, then documents of the authorised Indian agent and the nomination form must be attached.
  • The manufacturer must mention the Products technical aspects, such as PCB layout, critical components and schematic diagrams.
  • Letter of consent from the Company’s CEO
  • Undertaking and affidavit of the Authorised Indian representative (in case of the foreign manufacturer)
  • BIS lab generated test reports
  • the official undertaking of those test reports
  • The user manual of the product
  • Trademark registration

Process of BIS ISI Certification for AC Manufacturers

  1. The applicant must select the Product code. The relevant code for the Indian standard must opted for, and the manufacturer must make sure that his product fulfils the requirements for the grant of that certification.
  2. In the next step, the applicant must apply for ISI certification for AC (air conditioners). The applicant should file Form-V along with the prescribed fee. The applicant must remember that the audit fee must be paid on top of the registration fee for further inspection.
  3. Once the above-mentioned steps are completed then, A BIS officer along with an inspection team will visit the applicant’s factory premises. The inspection team shall examine the product and will check the manufacturing process of the applicant’s factory. The team shall collect random samples and send them for testing at a BIS facility.
  4. The applicant has to get the product tested from BIS-authorised labs and attach the test reports to the application form. This shall end the application process from the manufacturer’s end.
  5. After completing the application form, the BIS officials shall verify the documents, the test report from the labs and the application (in Form-V). If satisfied with the requirements, BIS shall issue a BIS ISI certification for AC to the manufacturers.

Note: usually, the grant of BIS ISI Certification takes about 30 days from the date of application till the date of final submission of the form.

Validity of BIS ISI Certification for AC Manufacturers

BIS ISI certification shall be valid for a period of 1 year. This certification has to be renewed after the expiration of the certificate.

Renewal of BIS ISI Certification for AC Manufacturers

The ISI certification for air conditioners shall be valid for a span of 1 year. However, it can be renewed after the end of one year. The process of renewal can be completed by refiling the application and payment of renewal fees. The application for renewal has to be verified by a qualified Chartered Accountant[1].


The BIS ISI certification is an assurance of safety and top-notch quality. BIS-certified products are not hazardous and develop a sense of confidence amongst consumers. The manufacturer must ensure that the product he wants to get certified matches all the prerequisites stated by the BIS. The certification shall be issued to the applicant upon successful submission of the application, documents and test reports. The manufacturer shall be eligible to use the ISI mark on its products after receiving the certification.

Read our Article:BIS Certification for Mobiles

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Ganesh Nair

Ganesh Nair completed his graduation in law from IP university. He is an ardent researcher who has written various research papers and articles on contemporary legal issues. His keen interest in the field of research made him pursue a career in legal research. His core area of interest include Cyber, IPR and Finance laws.


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