International Trademark Registration
International Trademark Registrations are regulated by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation). It’s an organisation established by the United Nations in 1967 with the aim of protecting Intellectual Property throughout the globe. International Trademark Registration and management are governed by WIPO treaties as well as other regional laws & countries.
Madrid – The International Trademark System
- The Madrid System is a cost-effective & useful solution for managing & registering Trademarks throughout the world.
- In this system, you have to file a single application and pay one set of fees to apply for Trademark Protection in up to 125 nations.
- Renew, expand, or modify your International Trademark Portfolio through one centralised system.
Who Is Entitled To Use Madrid System?
Anyone can use this system if they have a personal or business connection to one of the members of the Madrid System. It means you should either be domiciled, have a commercial/industrial establishment or be a citizen of one of the 125 nations covered by the 109 members of the Madrid System.
Advantages Of International Trademark Registration
Distinctive Identity – With this registration, your products get recognition worldwide & registration is the foremost step towards confirming it.
Legal Protection – In case of any violation or infringement or misuse, International Trademark Registration legally protects you and your Trademark.
Renewal of Registration – The validity of this registration is only for ten years from the date of registration and you can renew it further.
Business Opportunity – A well-recognized trademark provides your business with an opportunity to earn fame and money.
Helpful for E-Commerce – Registration plays an essential role in the E-Commerce business growth. If you are involved in online product selling, then somehow, it covers your products to be available to global