Recently, SEBI (Securities Exchange Board of India) by way of Circular No CIR/ P/ 2020/ 235, issued on 01.12.2020, has notified about the “Relaxation Provided in Timelines for Compliance with...
MOREThe Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) by way of the General Circular No 38/ 2020, issued on 01.12.2020, provided relaxation on additional fees required for filing Form CRA 4 under...
MOREEvery company regardless of its type, size, activities, nature of the business, and category, will need to classify its share capital under the different types of financial statement. Further, the...
MOREThe Food regulator of India or FSSAI (Food Safety and Standard Authority of India) had recently declared that from 01.11.2020 onwards the Food Safety Compliance System or FoSCoS has become operational and effective...
MOREThe term “Digital Signature Certificate or DSC” denotes as one of the main requirements for incorporating a company, whether a Private Limited Company or Public Limited Company in India. Further,...
MOREThe term Memorandum of Understanding Format denotes the Performa of an agreement that is signed between the parties. This legal document describes the rights and duties of the parties involved....
MOREThe term “Form MGT 14” denotes an e-form that a company needs for filing Resolutions with the ROC (Registrar of Companies), which are passed by the Directors and Shareholders at...
MOREA Non-Governmental Organization formed to encourage art, research, education, etc. is known as Section 8 Company. The profits earned by this business format are invested back to promote the activities...
MOREAn MOA (Memorandum of Association) is a legal document required for the registration of a company. This document defines the relationship between the shareholders, directors, and company. Further, the mission,...
MOREA company is an artificial person who has no body or mind, and it needs human agents or trustees to perform its action. The term “Human Agents” over denotes “Directors”...