Recently, SEBI (Securities Exchange Board of India) by way of Circular No CIR/ P/ 2020/ 235, issued on 01.12.2020, has notified about the “Relaxation Provided in Timelines for Compliance with...
MOREOverview of Buyback of Shares Buyback of shares is defined under section 68 of the Companies Act, 2013. Earlier, the concept of buyback of shares was dealt under the Companies...
MOREThe term “Transmission of Equity Shares” means the transfer of title over shares by the operation of law. Further, the transmission of shares takes place when the registered member of...
MOREThe term “Transfer of Equity Shares” denotes a procedure under which all the rights and duties of a shareholder or a member are voluntarily handed over back to the company....
MOREThe term Conversion of Debentures into Shares denotes a process under which a Debenture Holder decides to become a Shareholder of the company by converting his/ her Debentures into Shares....
MOREThe term “Preferential Allotment of Equity Shares” denotes a process in which a company allots shares to the individuals, companies, and venture capitalists at a pre-determined price. Further, these shares...
MORECapital is the key for any company to support its operations financially and maintain its liquidity. At any stage of during its lifetime, a company may need more funds than...
MOREBusinesses across the world are moving towards smarter collaborations by way of alliances with large corporations or new startups. Most businesses look for restricting their operational model through partnerships in...
MOREInsufficient funds are imperative for any business, whether small or large. Several companies either issue debentures to the public in exchange for money or takes loans from banks by issuing...
MOREBuyback refers to the corporate action wherein a company purchases its own outstanding shares from the existing shareholders at a price higher than the market value. A company buys back...