Business and Consulting Services under Trademark Class 35

Trademark Class 35
Shivani Jain
| Updated: Nov 29, 2020 | Category: Trademark

Trademark Class 35 signifies a specific class of trademark classification that deals with the services termed as Business and Consulting Services.

However, the services, such as evaluation and reports of engineers, that do not straight away refer to the operations or management of affairs in an industrial and commercial enterprise.

In this blog, we will discuss the idea of Trademark Class 35 and the List of Services termed as Business and Consulting Services under this Trademark Class.

Services Covered under Trademark Class 35

The services covered under Trademark Class 35 are as follows:

  1. Services that include the following are:
  2. Registration;
  3. Record;
  4. Composition;
  5. Collection; and
  6. Systematization of several written communications;
  7. Services relating to an advertising agency, such as the distribution of prospectus and brochure, either directly or by way of post. Also, it includes the distribution of advertisement samples.

Services Not Covered under Trademark Class 35

The services that not covered under the Trademark Class 35 are as follows:

  1. The primary activity or function of an enterprise is to sale goods, i.e., a commercial enterprise;
  2. Services relating to evaluations and reports of engineers that do not exactly refer to the management of affairs and operations in a commercial or an industrial enterprise.

Related Classes for Trademark Class 35

Trademark Class 35 classes

If in case certain goods or services falls under the domain of two or more Trademark Class, then, in that case, the applicant mandatory requires to apply for Trademark Registration in each of such class.

Also, a separate application is required for each different class, and such classes are known Related Classes as well.

Further, the Related Classes for Trademark Class 35 are as follows:

  1. Legal and Security services under Trademark Class 45;
  2. Medical and Veterinary services under Trademark Class 44;
  3. Food related services under Trademark Class 43;
  4. Science and Technology services under Trademark Class 42;
  5. Education and Entertainment services under Trademark Class 41;
  6. Material Treatment services under Trademark Class 40;
  7. Shipping and Travel services under Trademark Class 39;
  8. Telecommunications services under Trademark Class 38;
  9. Construction and Repair services under Trademark Class 37;
  10. Insurance and Finance services under Trademark Class 36;

Complete List of Services Covered under the Trademark Class 35

Administrative processing of the purchase ordersCommercial information and ,advice for consumers [consumer advice business]Personnel recruitment
Advertising or publicityCompilation of statistics collectedRental of photocopying machines
Advertising services by mail orderCompilation of information and details into computer databases computerized file management.Photocopying services
Rental of advertising services on communication media.Cost price analysisPresentation of the goods on communication media for the retail purposes.
Rental services for advertising space.Data search in the computer files for others.Price comparison services.
Production of advertising films.Demonstration of goods and servicesProcurement services for others, such as purchasing goods and services for other businesses.
Advertising agencies / publicity agencies.Design of advertising materials.Psychological testing for the choice of personnel.
Auctioneering;Direct mail advertising;Public relations;
Bill-posting / outdoor advertising;Dissemination of advertising matter;Publication of publicity texts;
Rental of billboards [advertising boards];Distribution of samples;Publicity material rental;
Book-keeping / accounting;Document reproduction;Radio advertising;
Business management of the reimbursement programmes for othersDrawing up of statements of accounts;Relocation services for businesses;
Providing business information through a web site;Economic forecasting;Retail or wholesale services for a pharmaceutical business, veterinary and sanitary preparations, and medical supplies;
Business research;Employment agencies;Sales promotion for others;
Business investigations;Import-export agencies;Rental of sales stands;
Business appraisals;Invoicing;Search engine optimization;
Business information;Layout services for advertising purposes;Secretarial services;
Business project management services for the construction projects;Provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers, and sellers of goods and services;Shop window dressing;
Business management for the freelance service providersOn-line advertising on a computer network;Shorthand;
Business management of the sports peopleMarketing studies;Sponsorship search;
Business management of the performing artists;Marketing research;Arranging subscriptions to the telecommunication services for others;
Business management of the hotels;Marketing;Systemization of information into the computer databases;
Business inquiries;Modelling for the advertising or sales promotion;Tax filing services;
Business management assistance;Negotiation and conclusion of the commercial transactions for third parties;Tax preparation;
Business efficiency expert services;News clipping services;Telemarketing services;
Advisory services for the business management;Arranging newspaper subscriptions for others;Telephone answering services for unavailable subscribers;
Business organization consultancy;Office machines and other equipment rental;Television advertising;
Business management and the organization consultancy services;Opinion polling;Transcription of communications [office functions];
Business management consultancy;Organization of fashion shows for the promotional purposes;Typing;
Brofessional business consultancy;Organization of trade fairs for the commercial or advertising purposes;Updating and maintenance of data in the computer databases;
Business auditing;Organization of the exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes;Updating of advertising materials;
Commercial information agencies;Outsourced administrative management services for companies;Rental of vending machines;
Commercial intermediation services;Outsourcing services [business assistance];Web site traffic optimization;
Provision regarding the commercial and business contact information;Pay per click advertising;Word processing;
Commercial or industrial management assistance;Payroll preparation;Writing of curriculum vitae for others or writing of résumés for others;
Commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services for others;Personnel management consultancy;Writing of publicity texts;


In a nutshell, we can rightly state that finding out an accurate class of trademark for the goods and services can result to be an intricate and back-breaking job.

Also, the process of trademark search needs a lot of previous experience and study relating to the different kinds of applications and Trademark classes.

At Swarit Advisors, our experts will guide you with both Trademark Search and Trademark Registration.

Also, Read: Is It Possible To Modify A Registered Trademark in India?


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