Insurance, Real Estate & Financial Services under Trademark Class 36

Trademark Class 36
Shivani Jain
| Updated: Nov 30, 2020 | Category: Trademark

Trademark Class 36 signifies a specific class of Trademark classes that deals with monetary as well as financial affairs, together with the services concerning insurance contracts and real estate affairs of all kinds.

In this blog, we will discuss the idea of Trademark Class 36, together with the List of Services known as Insurance, Real Estate, and Financial Services under this Trademark Class.

Services Covered under Trademark Class 36

The services covered under Trademark Class 36 are as follows:

  1. Insurance Services;
  2. Real Estate Services;
  3. Pawn Brokerage;
  4. Provision regarding the Prepaid Cards and Tokens;
  5. Safe Deposit Services;
  6. Financial Services;
  7. Monetary Services;
  8. Banking Services;
  9. Fundraising and Financial Sponsorships;
  10. Valuation Services;
  11. And Hire, Rental, and Leasing services in connection with the aforesaid services included in the class; and
  12. Advice, Information, and Consultancy services for the aforesaid services included in the class;

Related Classes for Trademark Class 36

Trademark Class 36 Related classes

If in case a goods or service falls under of two or more Trademark Classes, then, in that situation, there is a need for the applicant to apply for Registration of Trademark in each of such class. Further, the classes in which the application for Trademark Registration is filed, are known as Coordinated Classes or Related Classes.

Further, the CoordinatedClasses for Trademark Class 36 are as follows:

  1. Advertising & Business Services under Trademark Class 35;
  2. Construction & Repair services under Trademark Class 37;
  3. Telecommunications services under Trademark Class 38;
  4. Shipping & Travel services under Trademark Class 39;
  5. Material Treatment services under Trademark Class 40;
  6. Education & Entertainment services under Trademark Class 41;
  7. Science & Technology services under Trademark Class 42;
  8. Food concerning services under Trademark Class 43;
  9. Medical & Veterinary services under Trademark Class 44;
  10. Legal & Security services under Trademark Class 45;

Comprehensive List of Services Covered under the Trademark Class 36

Accident insurance underwriting services Financial evaluation services [insurance, banking, and real estate] Marine insurance underwriting services
Accommodation bureaux services [apartments] Financial management services Mortgage banking services
Actuarial services Financial analysis services Mutual funds services
Antique appraisal services Financial consultancy services Numismatic appraisal services
Apartment house management services Financial information services Rental of offices services [real estate]
Rental of apartments services Financial sponsorship services Online banking services
Art appraisal services Financial evaluation services of standing timber or financial valuation services of standing timber Organization of collections
Banking services Financial evaluation services of wool or financial valuation services of wool Pawnbrokerage services
Brokerage services Providing financial information services via a web site Provident fund services
Brokerage of carbon credits services Financial management services of reimbursement payments for others Real estate agency services
Business liquidation and financial services Financing services Real estate brokerage services
Capital investment services Fire insurance underwriting services Real estate appraisal services
Charitable fund raising services Fiscal assessments or fiscal valuations services Real estate management services
Check [cheque] verification services Health insurance underwriting services Rent collection services
Clearing, financial services or clearing-houses financial services Hire-purchase financing services or lease-purchase financing services Repair costs evaluation services [financial appraisal]
Credit bureau services Instalment loans services Retirement payment services
Credit card facility services Insurance brokerage services Safe deposit facility services
Issuance of credit cards services Insurance underwriting services Savings bank facility services
Customs brokerage services Insurance consultancy services Securities brokerage services
Debit card facility services Insurance information services Stamp appraisal services
Debt collection agencies services Investment of funds services Stock exchange quotations services
Debt advisory services Jewellery Appraisal services Stock brokerage services
Deposits of valuables services Leasing of real estate property services Stocks and bonds brokerage services
Electronic funds transfer services Leasing of farms services Surety services / bail-bonding / and guarantee services
Exchanging money services Lending against security services Issuance of tokens of value services
Factoring services Life insurance underwriting services Issuance of travellers’ cheques services
Arranging finance services for construction projects Loans [financing] services Trusteeship or fiduciary relationship services


In a nutshell, it is right to state that finding out the correct class of trademark classification for the goods and services is an intricate, complex, and back-breaking job.

Also, the procedure for trademark public search requires a lot of previous experience as well as knowledge relating to the different classes of applications and Trademark classifications.

At Swarit Advisors, our expert team will guide you with both the process of Trademark Search and Trademark Registration.

Also, Read: Top Ten Reasons for Trademark Objection in India


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