How Copyright Registration is Beneficial in India?

Copyright Registration Is Beneficial
Swarit Advisors
| Updated: Aug 14, 2018 | Category: Copyright

Copyright Registration process in India could be a confusing issue, and you are probably searching online the ways on how you can do it online or with the help of experts? Which has landed you onto this article where we will give you some basic information regarding the Copyright Registration is beneficial in India. Let’s start with what it is at first.

What is Copyright Registration is beneficial?

Because a copyright is related to the intellectual property, it is fairly similar to the trademark registration and patent registration. The copyrights are registered under the copyrights act 1957. The copyrights act was brought into existence to protect the credits of the owners of the intellectual properties. A copyright Registration can be done for intellectual properties that are of work of literature or a script of a certain play or stories and songs etc. But you can’t get a Copyright Registration for things like just ideas or a procedure of an operation or methods. For these kinds of ideas, there is patent Registration but let’s discuss the rights one could get from Copyright Registration in this article.

The rights you get after applying for Copyright Registration.

Now we have a brief idea of what a copyright Registration is and what you could possibly get a Copyright Registration for, and now we will talk about the rights. When you get a copyright Registration for your original work, you get the exclusive right to use it. Only you and you can use your work in the form you choose to.

By the law, your Copyright Registered work will be protected from being plagiarised, misused or simply stolen. In case, it is in anyway found that your work is being used by anyone other than you then it’s a cognizable offense and you have complete right to sue them for it.

Though only you have the right to work with your creations, you have the right to use it as an asset or transfer your rights to someone else with your permission. So, you may think of commercializing it, sell it, franchise it or simply use it to generate your own income from it.

You also have a sense of security when using your work publically since your work is protected under the Copyright Registration laws. The copyright law honors the creator for their creative talent. It gives them their full credit. It’s instinctively believed by the law and society that their work deserves praise and credit. Also when you have your work copyrighted. It means that it will give the public eyes the sense of goodwill and security about the originality of your work.

What Are The Advantages of Copyright Registration?

Have a look at the basic benefits that you can achieve with the copyright registration are as follows:-

  • Legal Protection
  • Market presence
  • Suing based on evidence in the court of law
  • Creation of Asset
  • Branding or Goodwill

Get the Procedural steps for Getting Copyright Registration.

  • Start with a Copyright Registration It will most probably take about 2 days to prepare with form and filing up the details.
  • Once you have filed the form get your documents worked up with. This shouldn’t take more than just a day to assemble.
  • Submit your application with the documents to the government department of copyrights. The registrar will then verify your application.
  • Once your documents and application is verified and has satisfied the registrar, the certificate will be issued. And now you have a copyright Registration for your creative work.

Follow these steps to get your copyright registration done in India with the help of Swarit Advisors, all you can do is dial our phone number mentioned in the website or drop an email, our representatives will shortly reply to your call. We will help you to resolve your issues that you might be facing while online Copyright registration in India. We are 24/7 hr available to help you with the skilled specialists having years of experience.

Read Other Related Blog: Why & How is Copyright Registration is an Important Step?


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