What is the Online Trademark Registration Procedure & How can we Apply it?
Swarit Advisors | Updated: Jul 17, 2018 | Category: Trademark
Trademark Registration can be referred as a unique expression that is related or is the representative of the type of products you are willing to sell in the market or the type of service you will be giving through your business. Your trademark can be anything, it could be a visual symbol or a word, a name, any numbers etc. Your trademark works for you like this silent salesman who is there with you 24 x 7 and constantly selling, representing symbolizing your business activity. When your online trademark registration procedure gets completes, it’s your one of the best assets to flaunt.
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Know the Trademark Registration by Law
When you own a trademark you also get an exclusive right over it to use it. This is under the Trademark Registration act of 1999. Only those trademarks that are registered have these rights of using it and right to sue anyone who will use it or copy it. After getting trademark registration done it becomes a cognizable offence to copy or use someone’s registered trademark without their given permission.
What Is The Online Procedure For Trademark Registration?
The simple steps in trademark registration are as followed:-
- Start by conducting a trademark search. This is an important step because your logo or name must be unique. You see, this is the point of trademark registration, so nobody else can use yours. So you start with several ideas for your trademark and start the search for the one that’ll fit perfectly with the type of business[1] you own.
- Conduct your trademark search- This stage is for making sure that the logo name that you are filing with for the trademark registration application is available for use. In other words now pre-existing. This search is usually executed by the professionals or the experts that deal with providing such online registration services. This trademark search will take not more than 1 working day.
- Select Appropriate Class- Because there are several nature of the classes depending on the type of business and the type of trademark you have chosen, you must pick one of the Trademark classes which are 45 in number. This too shall take 1 working day.
- Trademark Application filed- Finally coming to fill a trademark registration application for you. After which you can get your Trademark Registration This step will take 3 working days time.
- Trademark registration completed-At this stage your job is complete. It will now take from 1.5 years to 2 years of time in order to get trademark registration done, this time depends on the government and the trademark registration office authorities.
What Are the Advantages of Trademark Registration?
- Unique identity– It is one of the trademark’s best quality, and it gives your business such a unique identity that helps you establish your place in the business marketing world. And that too with a right to sue in case someone else uses it without your permission.
- A Creative asset in business– It’s an asset to the owner in a way that it can also be sold, franchised or get into a contract regarding it.
- Provides with a trust or goodwill- People trust your products because of the trademark registration as they feel it must be having some degree of standard in them.
- Helps to popularize your brand– It helps in popularising your brand in the market, it could be made searchable and spreads well among the masses which a good thing for increasing your business.
So what are you waiting for? If you need professionals then contact Swarit advisors we are the best at handling the online registration processes whenever you need you may reach us or drop us an email.
Also, Read: How to Apply for Online Trademark Registration in India