Trademark Class 11: List of Heating and Cooking Appliances

Trademark Class 11
Shivani Jain
| Updated: Oct 10, 2020 | Category: Trademark

The term “Trademark Class 11” denotes a classification or group that deals mainly with the goods used for Heating, Lighting, Cooking, Steam Generating, Drying, Refrigerating, Ventilating, Sanitary, Water Supply purposes.

In this blog, we will discuss the topic of Trademark Class 11 and the complete list of goods comes under this trademark.

Concept of Trademarks Registration in India

According to the provisions of Trademarks Act 1999, any name, design, shape, logo, phrase, color sequence, etc., which is exclusive in nature as well as has the ability to segregate the goods of the manufacturer from the rivals, needs to be registered as a trademark. 

Further, it is a globally accepted truth that a “registered trademark” works as a valuable asset for the business. Moreover, the same assists the consumers in identifying the real goods

Also, it shall be noteworthy to note that a registered trademark has a validity of ten years, starting from the date of obtaining registration. Moreover, the same is qualified for Trademark Renewal as well.

Regulatory Authority for Trademarks in India

In India, the “Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks” or “CGPDT” has the power to administer and regulate Trademarks. However, the Trademarks Act 1999[1] works as the regulatory law for Trademarks in India.

Reasons for Acquiring Trademark Class 11 Registration

Why TM 11 Registration

In India, the reasons for obtaining Trademark Registration are as follows:

  1. It works as a “Valuable Asset” for a manufacture or business entity;
  2. Assists in “Segregating” products and goods of two competitors;
  3. Acts as the “Shield” to safeguard the brand, logo, name, design, etc., from duplication, and misuse;
  4. Protects” the services and goods of the Trademark Holder;

Also, Read: List Of Products Covered In Trademark Class 10

Purpose of Trademark Registration

The main aim of Applying for a Trademark Registration in India is to differentiate and separate the trademarks and service marks belonging to the goods and services of certain fields.

Therefore, it is always advised that every service provider and manufacturer should apply for Registration under Trademark.

Concept of Classification under Trademarks Act 1999

The groups or the classes under which a manufacturer or a service provider can apply for the Registration under Trademark are termed as Classes for Trademark.

Further, these classifications are made out based on the criteria prescribed in the “NICE Classification”.

Currently, there are 45 distinct Classifications of Trademark given under the Trademarks Act 1999.

Furthermore, classes 1 to 34 are categorized as Trademark Classes or TM Classes for Goods, and the remaining classes, i.e., classes 35 to 45, are classified as Trademark Classes or TM Classes for Services.

Further, it will be significant to state that at present, there are approximately 8000 plus services and goods covered under the heading of Trademark Classifications.

Significance of Trademark Classes

TM Class11 importance

The points of significance of Trademark Classes are as follows:

  1. It acts as the basis for the Registration under Trademarks Act;
  2. It assists in determining the cases of Infringement;

Tools for Online Trademark Classes

Tools for TM Classes

The Online Trademark Tools available for the Process of Trademark Search are as follows:

TM Class Tool

This Tool had been given by the EUIPO or European Union Intellectual Property Office;

NICE Classification

This Tool had been given by the WIPO or World Intellectual Property Organisation;

Concept of Trademark Description

The term “Trademark Description” signifies the “general explanations” provided for each Classification of Trademark. Further, the main objective of these explanations is to provide a specific class or group for each good or service.

Concept of Trademark Search in India

Whenever an applicant or an individual decides to choose a correct classification for his/ her goods or services, then the process that he/she needs to follow is termed as Trademark Public Search or Trademark Search.

Also, the other names for this process are TM Search, Trademark Public Search, and Public Search.

Also, the database used in this process is termed as “Indian Trademark Registry Database” or “ITRD”.

Concept of Trademark Class 11

The term “Trademark Class 11” denotes a classification or group that deals particularly with the goods used for Heating, Lighting, Cooking, Steam Generating, Drying, Refrigerating, Ventilating, Sanitary, Water Supply purposes.

Example: Parryware by Roca Bathroom Products Pvt Ltd.

Items Included under Trademark Class 11

Items under TM Class11

The items included under the Trademark Class 11 are as follows:

  1. Gas Cleaners and Purifiers;
  2. Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Mechanism in Buildings;
  3. Vehicle HVAC Mechanisms;
  4. Heaters, Boilers, and Burners;
  5. Drying Installations;
  6. Sanitary and Bathroom Installations;
  7.  Plumbing Fixtures;
  8. Filters for the Industrial and Household Uses;
  9. Personal Heating Implements;
  10. Drying Implements;
  11. Nuclear Installations;
  12. Air Treatment Equipment;
  13. Vehicle Lighting Reflectors;
  14. Lighting Reflectors;
  15. Regulating and Safety Accessories for Gas and Water Installations;
  16. Chemical Processing Equipment;
  17. Flues and Installations for the Conveyance of Exhaust Gases;                                                                                                  

Items Not Included under Trademark Class 11

items not included TM11

The items not included under Trademark Class 11 are as follows:

  1. Steam Producing Apparatus under Trademark Class 7;
  2.  Parts of Machines under Trademark Class 7;
  3. Electrically heated Clothing under Trademark Class 9;
  4. Apparatus and Accessories for the Production of Steam under Trademark Class 7;

Related Classes for Trademark Class 11

Trademark11 related Classes

The term “Related Classes” signifies a situation in which a specific good or service falls under two or more Classes for Trademark

Also, the classifications that have a close association with the Goods specified under Trademark Class 11 are as follows:

  1. Metals under Trademark Class 6;
  2. Machines under Trademark Class 7;
  3. Computer and Scientific Devices under Trademark Class 9;
  4. Building Materials under Trademark Class 19;
  5. Furniture under Trademark Class 20;
  6. Advertising and Business Services under Trademark Class 35;
  7. Construction and Repair Services under Trademark Class 40;
  8. Medical Treatment Services under Trademark Class 42;

Further, the notion of Coordinated Classes was determined by the ‘United States Patent and Trademark Office’ or ‘USPTO’.

Moreover, as per the USPTO, any applicant or individual who wants to apply under Trademark Classes 11 of the Trademark Classes, should submit an application in all the other related classes as well.


In a nutshell, the notion of Trademark Classification plays a crucial role in the process of Trademark Registration. Also, it is mandatory for every applicant to state the correct Trademark Class for obtaining Registration.

However, it shall be noteworthy to state that even a minute error or omission in the registration form can lead to the rejection of the application form.

Further, all the goods used for Heating, Lighting, Cooking, Steam Generating, Drying, Refrigerating, Ventilating, Sanitary, Water Supply purposes are covered under Trademark Class 11.

Lastly, in the case of any doubt and dilemma, reach out to Swarit Advisors, our professionals will help you in both Trademark Search and Trademark Registration.

Also, Read: Complete Guide on Trademark Classification


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