What are the Steps in the Legal Process of Trademark Registration?

Legal Process of Trademark Registration
Swarit Advisors
| Updated: Jun 06, 2018 | Category: Trademark

Are you finding trouble in going through the process of trademark registration? If yes then you must contact specialists having years of expertise in dealing with the customers for the legal process of Online trademark registration. Below are the steps that can help you in going through the process of registration.

  • Searching for an appropriate trademark is the most important part for the promotion of your brand name, you may try to look for it with the help of searching the websites or by searching with suggestions from your partners and workers. You must also assert whether the trademark you have chosen is already in use or not.
  • Filing for your trademark registration online application is to be done in the form TM-A, of individual startups or any small enterprises. The physical filing by going to the regional office of trademark registration and to their registrar would require you to pay a filing fee of Rs 5000/- however if you do it online, it’d be Rs 4500/-. If what you have is other than an individual startup or an enterprise your physical filing fees would go up to Rs 10,000/- while filing will cost you Rs 9000/-
  • After receiving the receipt for your trademark registration application by the trademark registration registry authority, an examination report shall be issued with the mention for acceptance or objection for the submitted application.
  • The applicant must respond to the report within 30 days time period, however, in case the applicant isn’t satisfied by their report he can call for a hearing, for which the registrar will provide with an opportunity for a hearing.
  • In case the registrar finds that the application was accepted in error or by any other reason, he shall raise Trademark objection before finalizing Registration which is within the 30 days period of the communication with the applicant. The applicant must make amends as per the registry’s requirements or can call for a hearing. And after the hearing, an order will be passed as the registry may deem fit to.
  • In case, the trademark registration application is accepted then it’s published in the journal of trademarks and shall be available at official website of the Comptroller General of trademarks, patents and designs.
  • Now within the time period of 120 days right from the date of publication in the journal of trademark, the general public will have the right to object or oppose the trademark registration.
  • If the trademark registration receives objection there shall be a call from the trademark registration hearing officer for a hearing where the Registry will then issue a notice for the parties, the applicant and the opposition party that objected. After the hearing has been done, the officer will either accept or he will reject the trademark registration
  • Once the trademark registration application is accepted, a trademark registration certificate is issued to the applicant that bears a seal of the Trademark Registry.

In case if you need to consult a professional then we are a team of specialists who are constantly dedicated to offering reliable help and support at your end.

Also, Read: Know The Importance of Trademark Registration


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