How to Start a FSSAI Registration in Delhi

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Overview of FSSAI Registration in Delhi

FSSAI is a self regulatory body formed under the provisions of the FSS Act 2006. It is responsible for issuing the FSSAI License to the food business operators operating in India. However, the procedure for obtaining a license vary from one state to another state, i.e., the process to obtain FSSAI Registration in Delhi will vary from the procedure followed in Tamil Nadu.

The entities dealing in the Food Manufacturing, Processing, and Distribution needs FSSAI License as well on a mandatory basis. Also, a person engaged in the business of Export and Import of Food Items needs to apply for Central FSSAI License.

Concept of FBO

The term FBO stands for Food Business Operators, and it means a business entity or an individual who is engaged in any operation pertaining to the manufacture, storage, sale, packaging, and distribution of food and related items.

It comprises of Banquet Halls that are provides food catering services, sale of food ingredients, Additives, Import and Export of Food Products as well.

All the FBOs that are operating in India must comply with the provisions of the FSS Act 2006 and the rules and regulations made thereunder. In the case of failure, the FBO in default will be liable to pay hefty penalties as well.

Concept of FSSAI License Number

The term FSSAI License Number means a 14 digit numeric code, which works as an identification Number for an FBO. The said license number comprises of five parts, which includes the year of manufacture, producer’s permit, state code.

All the FBOs need to specify the issued FSSAI License Number on the label or food package of each item. The colour in which FSSAI license number is published must be inverse to the colour of the background.

Reasons to Obtain FSSAI Registration in New Delhi

The reasons for obtaining FSSAI Registration in New Delhi are as follows:

Reasons to Obtain FSSAI Registration in New Delhi
  • Ensure Adherence of FSSAI Standards;
  • Reduces the case of Substandard Food Product;
  • Increases Responsibilities towards Consumer;

Benefits of FSSAI Registration in Delhi

The benefits of obtaining FSSAI Registration in Delhi are as follows:

Benefits of FSSAI Registration in Delhi
  • Boosts Customer Base;
  • Assists in Forming Brand Name;
  • Offers Growth Opportunities;
  • Provides Legal Enforcement in the case of default;
  • Works as a Mark of Assurance;
  • Increases Customer Faith and Trust;

Eligibility Criteria for FSSAI Registration in Delhi

The eligibility criteria for FSSAI Registration in Delhi can be summarised as:

Basic FSSAI Registration

  • FBO (wholesaler, supplier, distributor, retailer, hawkers, food vending establishments, club, dhaba, canteen, hotel, storage, restaurants) with an annual business turnover of less than Rs 12 lakh;
  • Retailers who are selling food items, with limited operations;
  • Petty producers who are manufacturing homemade items;
  • A makeshift stall selling food items;
  • Businesses engaged in selling food at a religious and social gathering or function, other than a caterer;
  • Cottage industries that are selling food products,
  • Production or processing units of vegetable oil and oil extracts by the process of solvent extraction or refineries, comprising of oil expeller system. The same must have a capacity to produce or manufacture not more than 100 kg/ litre per day (except in the case of milk or meat);
  • Dairy units, involved in the procurement/ collection/ handling/ chilling of milk, and having a capacity up to 500 litres per day, or up to 2.5 Metric Ton of milk solids on an annual basis;
  • A slaughtering house with a capacity of up to 2 large animals or 50 poultry birds, or 10 small animals per day;

State FSSAI Registration

  • FBO (supplier, wholesaler, retailer, distributor, Dhaba, food vending establishments, club, restaurants, canteen) with an annual business turnover of between Rs 12 lakhs to up to Rs 20 crores;
  • Proprietary Foods;
  • Hotels of 4 star ratings or less;
  • Storages that are having a capacity of less than 50000 metric tonnes on an annual basis;
  • Dairy Units (comprising of milk chilling units), having a daily capacity to handle and process, between 500 to 50000 litres;
  • A daily slaughtering house that is having a capacity of more than 2 and up to 50 large animals, or the capacity of slaughtering more than 50 and up to 1000 poultry birds small animals, or the daily slaughtering capacity of more than 10 to up to 150 small animals;
  • All the food processing units, other than the ones stated above. The same comprises of re-packers, which are having a daily handling capacity of not less than 100 kg/ litres to up to 2 metric tonnes;

Central FSSAI Registration

  • FBO ( restaurants, distributor, retailer, supplier) with an annual business turnover of more than Rs 20 crores;
  • Production or processing units of vegetable oil and oil extracts by the process of solvent extraction or refineries, comprising of oil expeller system. The same must have the capacity to produce or manufacture over 2 metric tonnes per day;
  • Dhaba, clubs, canteens, and other food vending establishments, which are having branches spread in more than one state and with an annual business turnover of more than Rs 12 lakhs;
  • Wholesalers that are having an annual business turnover of not less than Rs 30 crores;
  • Hotels of 5 star ratings or more;
  • 100 % export oriented units engaged in the process of food production or processing;
  • All Importers (comprising of the import of food ingredients or additives);
  • Caterers that are operating under the Central Government or other related agencies, such as Railways, Seaport, Airlines and airport, Defence, etc.;
  • Storages that are having a capacity of more than 50000 metric tonnes;
  • Dairy Units (inclusive of chilling units), that are having a capacity to handle or process, more than 50000 litres per day;
  • A slaughtering house with a capacity of over 50 large animals, more than 150 small animals, or above 1000 poultry birds per day;
  • All the food processing units, other than the one mentioned above, inclusive of re-packers, (exclusive the grains, pulses, and cereals milling units) with a handling capacity of more than 2 metric tonnes per day;

Different Types of FSSAI Registration

In India, the different types of FSSAI Registration prevalent are as follows:

Different Types of FSSAI Registration
  • Basic FSSAI Registration

    Every individual who is operating in India as Small Retailer, Suppliers, Food Distributor, Food Manufacturers, or the ones who are generating an annual business turnover of maximum Rs 12 lakh require to apply for Basic FSSAI Registration.

  • State FSSAI License

    Every Food Business Operator (FBO) who is generating an annual business turnover between Rs. 12 lakhs and Rs. 20 crores needs to file an application for State FSSAI Registration in Delhi

    The said Annual Business Turnover will be applicable to FSSAI State Manufacturing License and FSSAI State Trading License also.

  • Central FSSAI License

    Every Food Business Operator who is having an Annual Business Turnover of Rs. 20 crores or above must apply for the Central FSSAI License in Delhi.

    Further, the following must apply for this license as well:

    a) Food Supply at Government Offices;

    b) Export of Food Products and related items;

    c) Import of Food Products and related items;

Different Types of FSSAI Registration Forms

In India, the different types of FSSAI Registration form prevalent are as follows:

  • Registration Form A

    All the FBOs or the individuals who are earning an aggregate annual turnover of up to Rs 12 lakhs need to obtain Basic FSSAI Registration in Delhi by filing Form A.

  • Registration Form B

    All the FBOs who are earning an aggregate annual turnover between Rs 12 lakhs and 20 crores need to obtain State FSSAI Registration in Delhi by filing Form B.

    The same form is required for obtaining Central FSSAI License as well.

  • Registration Form C

    The Licensing Authority will issue a License Number in Form C. A true copy of which must be displayed at a prominent place at all times within the premises, wherein, the said FBO carries out its food business.

Documents required for FSSAI Registration in Delhi

The common documents required to obtain FSSAI Registration in Delhi are as follows:

  • Duly completed and signed Registration form A or B, as required;
  • Identity Proof of the FBO;
  • Address Proof of the FBO;
  • Proof of possession of premises, such as Rental Agreement or Lease Agreement;
  • Certificate of Incorporation (COI)/ Partnership deed/ AOA and MOA, etc.;
  • List of food products in which the FBO will be dealing;
  • Food safety management system (FSMS) plan;
  • Import Export Code (IEC), if in case required;

Procedure for FSSAI Registration in Delhi

The steps involved in the procedure to obtain FSSAI Registration in Delhi are as follows:

  • In the first step, the applicant requires to submit the registration form, together with the documents asked at the Food and Safety Department;
  • The authorities will accept or reject the said application within 7 days from the date of filing the application;
  • If the authorities are satisfied with the form and documents submitted, it will grant a unique FSSAI License Number, together with the photo of the applicant;
  • The applicant needs to display the granted FSSAI License Number at some prominent place of the premises, which has been used by the applicant for carrying business operations;

Validity of Food Safety License

In India, an FSSAI License remains valid for a period of maximum five years. That means it is compulsory for an FBO to apply for the renewal at least 30 days prior to its expiry. In case of any default, the said Food Business Operator will not be able to continue its business operations and will be held liable to pay hefty penalties as well.

Who are all not required to apply for FSSAI License?

The individuals as follows do not need to apply for FSSAI Registration under the Food Safety and Standards Act 2006:

  • A Petty Manufacturer;
  • Small Scale Food Business Operators;
  • Hawker;
  • Petty Retailer;
  • Itinerant Vendor;
  • Temporary Stall Owner;
  • Cottage Food Industries;

Frequently Asked Questions

Any person or FBO who is having an annual business turnover up to Rs 12 lakhs must file form A to apply for Basic FSSAI Registration in Delhi.

Yes, it is obligatory for all the Banquet Halls which are offering food services to apply for Central FSSAI License in Delhi.

FSSAI License Number is a 14 digits numeric code.

An FSSAI License number remains valid for a maximum of five years.

The different type of FSSAI Registration Forms are Form A, Form B, and Form C.

No, Itinerant Vendors do not require FSSAI License in India.

The licensing authority will issue the FSSAI License in Form C.

No, Cottage Food Industries do not require FSSAI License in India.

Yes, importer requires FSSAI License to import food products and other related items in India.

Yes, it is mandatory to apply for FSSAI Renewal, 30 days prior to the expiry of the license.

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