How to Start a Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh

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An Overview of Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh

According to the Trademark Act, 1999, you can obtain Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh. Having a Trademark permits you to have exclusive ownership rights over all entities of your brand by restricting others from using them. This ensures that all the hard work that you put in branding does not end up being wrongfully or illegally used by anyone else. Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh will ensure that your slogans, logos, and every characteristic feature or element of your brand identity are safeguarded or protected from unwanted usage under exclusive ownership rights. You can get your Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh done with Swarit Advisors in a hassle-free manner.

Who can apply for Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh?

Following are the entities applying for Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh:

  1. Joint Owners: In case two individuals join together and decide to file an application for Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh, the names of both individuals should be mentioned on the Trademark application.
  2. LLP or Limited Liability Partnership: In the case of an LLP, making an application for registration must be made in the name of LLP. However, the partner by themselves cannot be the applicant.
  3. Society or Trust: If a Trademark is made on behalf of trust/society, the name of the Chairman, Managing Trustee, or Secretary representing the Society or Trust must be mentioned.
  4. Indian Company: A Private Limited or One Person Company can also file for Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh; the application for Trademark Registration should be made in the name of the company.
  5. Foreign Company: A foreign company can also apply for Trademark Registration; the Trademark application must be made in its corporate name, as registered under the Foreign Country. The registration nature, incorporation country and the law under which the company is registered or incorporated are to be mentioned in the Trademark application.
  6. Partnership Firm: In this case, the name of all the partners should be mentioned in the Trademark application filed by a Partnership Firm. Partnership firms are not deemed or considered as separate entity and if the Partnership Firm comprises a minor in the partnership, the name of the guardian should also be mentioned.
  7. Individual or Person: An individual/a person not doing any business is also eligible to file an application for Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh and the name of the individual should be mentioned in the application.
  8. Proprietorship Firm: In this case, the name of the proprietor should be mentioned in the Trademark application. A proprietorship name is not acceptable as the name of an individual. However, if a proprietorship name is included on the Trademark application in addition to the name of an individual applicant, those details will be captured separately.

Advantages of Trademark Registration in Chattisgarh

  • Exclusive rights

The owner of the registered Trademark shall enjoy exclusive rights over it. The owner of the Trademark can utilise all the items that fall under the classes. Moreover, the owner of the registered Trademark enjoys sole ownership over the Trademark and can also resist others from the illegal and unauthorised utilisation of the Trademark under the same class. The owner shall be legally authorised to file the suit against the infringer who has committed a violation of the Trademark.

  • Building of goodwill and Trust

Your registered Trademark helps your product to be known by everyone, which helps in building trust and goodwill among the customers or consumers in the market. Hence, this will help you to get connected with your regular customers.

  • Distinction between Products

Trademark helps in recognising your products by the customers in the market. It will help your product to get a different identity and recognition from all other products in the market. Therefore, it is to be said that Trademark is an efficient commercial tool. The trademark logo worked on the unique characteristics of any entity and organisation.

  • Identification of product’s standards

Trademark provides the identification to the quality of the products with the brand name; an image is generated in the market regarding the quality of a specific brand, which supports in the invitation of new customers because they can differentiate the quality of a product by the logo/brand name.

  • Asset Creation

The registration of trademark results in the creation of an intangible asset, for example, an organisation's intellectual property. A registered trademark is a legal right that can be bought, transferred, delegated, licenced, or commercially contracted. Furthermore, a Trademark is an intangible asset that provides an advantage to the organisation.


  • Safeguarding against Infringement

No opponent or a third party may use the suggested technique or logo that you have registered as a trademark. However, if anyone uses it without the owner's permission/consent or makes fraudulent use of it, the owner can seek legal protection under the Act and stop the person from doing so.

  • Application of the ® symbol

Once a trademark is registered, you can put the ® sign on your logo to indicate or show that it is a registered trademark and that no one else may use the same brand. It is free of any and all forms of usages and rights. If anyone uses your Trademark, you can sue them.

Documents for Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh

Following are some essential documents for Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh:

  • Documents for Proprietorship Firm:
  1. Aadhaar Card of the applicant;
  2. Address Proof of the applicant;
  3. Logo, Word, mark, or Company Name;
  4. Signature of the Applicant;
  5. Signed Power of Attorney (POA);
  6. Signed Form TM-48.
  • Documents for LLP or Limited Liability Partnership:
  1. LLP Incorporation Certificate;
  2. LLP Agreement;
  3. Logo, Word, mark, or Company Name;
  4. Udyam or MSME Registration certificate;
  5. Identity & Address Proof of the Signatory;
  6. Signed Power of Attorney (POA);
  7. Signed Form TM-48.
  • Documents for Partnership Firm:
  1. Partnership Deed;
  2. Logo, Word, mark, or Company Name;
  3. Udyam or MSME Registration Certificate;
  4. Signature of the Partner;
  5. Identity & Address Proof of the Signatory;
  6. Signed Power of Attorney (POA);
  7. Signed Form TM-48.
  • Documents for Private Limited Company:
  1. Incorporation Certificate;
  2. Logo, Word, mark, or Company Name;
  3. Udyam or MSME Registration Certificate;
  4. Identity & Address Proof of the Signatory;
  5. Signed Power of Attorney (POA);
  6. Signed Form TM-48.
  • Documents for Trust or Society:
  1. Name & Address of Society or Trust;
  2. Registration Certificate;
  3. Logo, Word, mark, or Company Name;
  4. Identity & address proof of the signatory;
  5. Signed Power of Attorney (POA);
  6. Signed Form TM-48.

Procedure for Online Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh

Following is the procedure for online Trademark Registration in Chhattisgarh:

Step 1: Trademark Search: This is the first step before starting the Trademark Registration process because it ensures you that your Trademark or logo already existed or is registered in the Trademark Registry or not.

Step 2: Filing application and submitting documents: Once you choose the mark or logo, you have to file an application, submit some basic details, submit the required documents, and select an appropriate class.

Step 3: Drafting and Preparation: Then our expert will draft all your documents and prepare for filing

Step 4: Examination: Once we submit the application form and documents, then the Registrar will examine the application. If they are satisfied with the application and documents, then they will proceed with further steps.

Step 5: Publication: Once the Registrar accepts the form, then they will publish the application in the Trademark Journal online.

Step 6: Issuance of Certificate: After all the above steps, they will issue you a Trademark Registration Certificate.

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Tushar Gupta

From Ghaziabad Recently Purchased @Trust Registration